Chassis dynamometer is an indoor bench test equipment used to test the performance of automobile power, multi-condition emission index, fuel index and so on, as shown in the following figure. The vehicle chassis dynamometer simulates the road surface through the drum, calculates the road simulation equation, and uses the loading device to simulate, realizes the accurate simulation of the vehicle working conditions.
It can be used for loading and debugging of automobiles to diagnose the faults of automobiles under load conditions. It is composed of Five-gas analyzer, transmission smoke meter, engine tachometer and computer automatic control system to measure automobile exhaust emission under different working conditions.
Chassis dynamometer is easy to use and reliable without the influence of external conditions. On the premise of not disintegrating the automobile, it can accurately and quickly detect the performance of various systems and components of the automobile. Chassis dynamometer can be used not only in automobile scientific test, but also in maintenance and inspection.
In recent years, due to the rapid development of computer technology and the development and application of various special software, it provides an effective means for road simulation, data acquisition, processing and test data analysis, accelerates the development of chassis dynamometer, and has been widely used.
Basic principles
Chassis dynamometer replaces road surface with drum simulation, and all kinds of resistance encountered by automobiles when driving at normal uniform speed are simulated by loading device. When the car is accelerating and taxiing, the resistance is simulated by the moment of inertia of the flywheel group. The torque and power of the chassis dynamometer are measured by a force sensor mounted on a force arm connecting the stator and the dynamometer housing. In the automobile driving drum, the loading device applies braking moment to the rotor through the stator. At the same time, the stator is subjected to the reaction moment of the rotor, which is measured by the force sensor and converted into the torque and power of the driving wheel.
Specific test items, negotiated by both sides, subject to technical agreement, technical support 400-111-3688